Howdy Amigos!


I’ve just seen the final trailer for the upcoming ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ and I think my breath has well and truly been taken away.

The previous trailers were great  for setting the tone of what we are likely to see in the final film come December, but this one is truly a thing of beauty. Straight away, we get a sense of the importance of Rey (Daisy Ridley) to this story, and what seems to be her quest for identity in this world, which is a similar story for Finn (John Boyega). I love the fact these two new characters have been at he forefront of the production from the beginning. Aside from the obvious boost that having such diversity in a blockbuster brings (a big fuck you to anyone who is part of the #BoycottStarWarsEpisodeVII social media movement)  it’s refreshing to have new faces in general around the Star Wars movies.

Visually, this trailer has to be one of the most stunning I’ve seen all year. As much as I have my misgivings about ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ film, I have to admit that the trailer had some great shots. But once again, for sheer spectacle, Star Wars has come up trumps in my eyes.  The composition of the shots, the detail, the design, they are all amazing.  The extended dog fight sequence with the T.I.E Fighters and X-Wings gave me goosebumps of excitement, and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) looks like a deeply intimidating nemesis.

The trailer is very careful not to give away any details surrounding the plot and Luke is conspicuous by his absence, but these are both things that I’m fine with. The job of this trailer was to create hype and interest around the movie and it’s done that in style. I love that it’s left me with so many questions, and I feel I can approach the movie with a completely open mind as a result. I’ve been trying my best since last year to avoid any kinds of spoilers or fan theories around this movie (and i’ve been mostly successful) as I want to be able to stroll into the cinema on my birthday and be completely surprised by what I see.

Having said that, there was a certain familiarity to the trailer as well. It felt like slipping into your comfortable slippers  after a hard day at work, like welcoming back a dear old friend. That’s something that is unique in some ways to  Star Wars and the deep relationship some fans experience with the franchise. For me personally, it’s that familiarity that gives me warm fuzzy feelings inside my stomach.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the trailer as im sure you all have watched it as many times as I have by now. You have probably come to your own conclusions with regards to potential plots and character developments, just do me a favour and don’t share them with me! But, do let me know what you thought of this trailer overall! Are you excited to see the movie now? Have you got your tickets yet? Let me know in the comments below!

Jason P.

A cosmic, comic book culture consuming, hayfever suffering, cartoon watching ninja, who's stuck in a time-warp. Can often be found watching retro cartoons on YouTube or aggravating my cat.
A cosmic, comic book culture consuming, hayfever suffering, cartoon watching ninja, who’s stuck in a time-warp. Can often be found watching retro cartoons on YouTube or aggravating my cat.