Howdy Amigos!

Well, it’s been a busy damn week at Woo Long Talks towers. This week, we have been hard at work on not 1, but 2 podcast episodes for your aural pleasure!

In the 1st episode, we sat down to have a full review and spoilers discussion of ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2’, what we thought of the movie, things that worked for us and things that didn’t and where we think the franchise might be going. You can check out this episode right here;

Then, once you are done with that, you can have a listen to our bonus edition podcast , where we discuss the trailer for the upcoming ‘Dark Tower’ adaptation staring Idris Elba as Stephen King’s iconic Gunslinger. We then get into the trailer for ‘The Defenders’ which has us pretty much ‘gassed’! (look it up n the Urban Dictionary!) You can check that one out here;

If you are not familiar with SoundCloud, don’t forget, you can always subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or on acast. Please like, share and subscribe to us for more content and if you have any ideas for topics we an cover in future or want us to plug something you are working on, let us know on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.


Jason P.