Howdy Amigos!

Well, 2017 is upon us like a thief in the night. Many would consider 2016 to be somewhat of a rotten year, but for us it’s been an amazing experience, whilst presenting it’s own challenges.  Richard and I got to cosplay for the first time, and made a bunch of new friends in the process. We finally started our bi-weekly podcast, which is slowly gaining more and more momentum amongst our audience, and we got to attend some great events and see some fantastic movies.

We’ll be doing a podcast this week, on Thursday the 5th at 8.30pm (GMT) to celebrate all these things and more!

If you’d liked to see us recording live, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Or if you prefer listening to podcasts in the tradition way, we are also available via Sound Cloud. You can find our home page here:

If you would like to ask us any questions about forthcoming movies, comics or TV shows you are excited for, just give us a shout at: You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram  for the latest updates on what we are doing and where we are doing it in 2017. As for this old blog, I’ll be posting up some new movie reviews as I haven’t done some of those in a while, plus any other random stuff that comes into my head, as usual! I’ll also aim to make some more recommendations for you, as I had so much fun talking about World Of Wakanda!

This year, we really want to hear from all of you, as we know you are out there listening to the show and reading our articles, so please use our Social Media to come and see hi, we won’t  bite, honest! Let s make 2017 a year that we can look back on with joy and laughs and lots of geek talk.

Jason P.